By his two adoring Aunties, Rachel & Miranda

It's been a few days since we have posted anything, and while I feel guilty, I think we have a pretty good excuse - a lot has been happening - as you can see from the precious picture below.
Our growing family just returned home from our annual Christmas festivities, where we spent most of our time playing with the 6 kiddies (who are all under the age of 4), preparing/eating/cleaning up after 3 plus meals a day, and enjoying the winter wonderland that is the Adirondacks.  It was GREAT fun, except for the fact that we were minus 3 people, due to Emily's fast approaching due date with baby numero dos!

Shortly after we arrived back to our respective states and houses we found out that Emily's water broke and shortly after she delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy - literally, she pushed for all of 9 minutes!  

Emily and her husband named the precious little guy Levi Noel (pronounced like "nole," after our grandpa on our mom's side), who measured in at 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches, was welcomed into the world at 1:24pm.   

And I think this should satisfy all of our appetites for the night :)

Love to Em, Matt, Van and Baby Levi from Auntie Mandy and Auntie Rae
12/29/2011 11:14:57 am

so precious! such a fast delivery! how exciting

Jeannie Brodsky Eriksen
12/30/2011 04:43:16 am

What a beautiful Baby Boy!!! Congrat's to the whole family....Hope all is well with all of you....Christ's Peace...Jeannie

Flo Schell
12/31/2011 01:37:34 am

What a happy moment to become a new reader. Congratulations to you all! Baby is precious.

Your mom has become a special person to me. I just adore and admire her. We met at a community book club and she continues to amaze me with her open mind and thriving energy.

Happy New Year to you and wishes for a wonderful year.

Looking forward to your goodies!

Flo Schell
12/31/2011 01:41:35 am

Oops. Guess I'm talking about your grandmother Jean....yes?

1/1/2012 10:39:15 pm

Hello Flo! Thank you for checking out our blog! Yes, Jean is our Grandma and she is an incredible person - you are lucky to know her :)

Happy New Year!!


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