made by Miranda

You gotta be careful with this - make sure you have company to share it with because its very easy to refill your glass and refill your glass and refill your glass and then you cant count anymore...  Also I should mention ahead of time that this takes a few days to make.  It tastes ok when just made, but a few days in the fridge makes a huge difference in the flavor.
You'll need:2 oranges
2 apples
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 Tbs lime juice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 bottles red wine (750 ml each)
2 Tbs brandy (optional)
Tonic or seltzer (optional)

To make:
Heat the water in the microwave and add the sugar - stir to dissolve then set aside to cool. 

Cut up the 2 apples and 1 of the oranges and drop them in a 1/2 gallon size (atleast) container.  Squeeze the remaining orange over the fruit, and also add the lime juice,
cinnamon, brandy and wine.  

Add in about 1/3 cup of the sugar/water mixture, stir then taste.  Add more of the sugar water (called simple syrup) to taste.  The mixture will sweeten over the next 2 days so make it just a tad less sweet than how you'd want it.  You could also save the rest of the simple syrup in the fridge to add later.  

Cover your container and place in fridge to let the sangria "brew" for at least 2 days before serving.  Can serve straight up or topped with a little seltzer or tonic.  Don't forget to eat your fruit too! 

Note: you can experiment with different red wines, but I like to add one darker wine like a burgundy and then one sweeter wine so i don't have to add as much sugar.   
8/10/2012 11:42:35 am

I think it's time to make this.... it looks so good and refreshing - perfect for August! BTW I love your intro.... "you keep drinking and drinking and then you can't count anymore", (I can't feel my face) and then a kid wakes and you forgot you even HAVE kids... (just kidding) ; )


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