Recipe by Rachel, photos by Emily

This year I started my first backyard garden and I have had so much fun concocting fresh and tasty salad dressings out of the many things that are slowly popping up.  The other day I finally decided to eat the one lonely and extremely long cucumber - I mean seriously, how huge is that cucumber!  I have been watching grow for a while now, so I knew if I was going to eat it I had to make it worth my wait!
I made the salad in a small portion for lunch, but you could make it a little more hearty but adding grilled chicken, or even marinated/smoked salmon.  I think it's really important to make the dressing with FRESH herbs, so you get the smooth and creamy texture and so its FULL of flavor. 

In the picture the ingredients are doubled, but below are the measurements for 1 meal-sized salad.

Salad Ingredients:
1/2 Cup corn - fresh and grilled is best but in a pinch canned is a good substitute
2 Cups fresh spinach leaves, or another type of lettuce
1/2 Cup cucumber, diced
2 Tbls red onion or shallots, diced
1/2 of an avocado, chopped
1/2 Cup cut grape tomatoes
S & P to taste


1/4 Cup fresh cilantro
Fresh basil (about 5 large leaves)
2 Tbls feta cheese
1 Tbls rice vinegar (or white vinegar)
3 Tbls canola or veggie oil
Juice of 1/2 a lime
1/2 Tsp. honey
S & P to taste

In a food processor or blender, combine all the dressing ingredients. Blend or process until creamy and let sit to settle. In another bowl, toss together the salad ingredients. Add dressing and toss to coat. 


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